Defibrillators and some accessories are FDA-regulated prescription devices that require a physician authorization for ownership. In addition, continued medical oversight is an essential component of any defibrillation program. Many states have requirements for defibrillator reporting, installation, use, medical oversight, and quality assurance.
The following are recommended components of any early defibrillation program, and can be provided by Emergency Medical Group:
Prescription by a licensed physician is required for purchase of a defibrillator and some accessories.
Written protocols for defibrillator use are the specific medical instructions for defibrillator use, and are provided in conjunction with medical direction. Protocols incorporate the basic CPR/defibrillation guidelines and include steps including assessing scene safety, calling 911, safely operating the defibrillator, assessing the patient for additional care, transferring patient information to EMS, and returning the defibrillator to service. Protocols are developed appropriate to your organization's program, and revised as needed to keep current with industry practices.
States have varied requirements for reporting of initial defibrillator placement, authorization, continued reporting of defibrillator use and quality assurance. Emergency Medical Group tracks changing legal requirements, and can handle required regulatory reporting for you.
Monitoring the quality of actual program actions, and continually maintaining high program standards is absolutely essential. Modern defibrillators record valuable patient information during a resuscitation, which should be retrieved from the device and provided to emergency personnel shortly after an incident.
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