Defibrillation Programs

What is a Defibrillation Program
Defibrillation programs bring together defibrillators, planning, training, and support to provide a reliable means of responding to a victim of sudden cardiac arrest within a response time goal.

More Than a Defibrillator
Having a defibrillator is only part of aiding a victim of sudden cardiac arrest. For a defibrillator to be most effective, it needs to be part of a response plan that recognizes an emergency and brings the defibrillator with a trained person to the side of a victim within three to four minutes. A defibrillator that arrives too late, or without a person trained to use it, is of no use at all.

Defibrillation Programs Typically Include:

  • Site Assessment & Planning
    Determine optimal locations for defibrillators, identify response barriers, identify high-risk areas, and gather other relevant information.
  • Defibrillator Selection
    At the heart of each program are defibrillators. Selection of the most appropriate defibrillators,accessories, and other equipment to meet your program needs.
  • Medical Direction & Compliance
    Defibrillators are FDA-regulated medical devices that require a physician prescription for purchase. Continued medical oversight is an important component of any defibrillation program, and is required by many states.
  • Training
    Proper training is one of the most crucial elements of early defibrillation program success. Initial training teaches responders the skills of CPR and AED use. Regular re-certifications and periodic skill reviews keep responder skills honed.
  • Support
    Oversight and tracking of program details, recordkeeping, replacement of defibrillator supplies, and coordination of continuing training.

Emergency Medical Group at Your Side

Emergency Medical Group specializes in developing and helping organizations implement effective and affordable defibrillation programs. Regardless of the size of your organization or your budget, we can probably design a program to meet your goals. Please contact us to learn how we can help you.

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